19 Rugsėjis 2024
2 mėnesį prieš
Former Chinese defence minister expelled from Communist Party: state media
2 mėnesį prieš
The Taiwan government lifts its travel warning to China and advises its citizens not to travel unless absolutely necessary
2 mėnesį prieš
Afghan Taliban are not our supporters in the fight against militants, says Pakistan's Defense MinisterAt the same time as presenting the plan of the operation "Azm-e-Istihkam" in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan
2 mėnesį prieš
North Korea again launches suspected trash-carrying balloons toward South Korea: JCS
Russian Foreign Ministry: Washington, which chose confrontation over dialogue, bears full responsibility for the impasse in the settlement process around the Korean Peninsula. As a result, the situation is teetering on a dangerous edge2 mėnesį prieš
Russian Foreign Ministry: Washington, which chose confrontation over dialogue, bears full responsibility for the impasse in the settlement process around the Korean Peninsula. As a result, the situation is teetering on a dangerous edge
Geolocation of TNLA soldiers in downtown Kyaukme city, Burma after reportedly clearing all junta positions within the town.2 mėnesį prieš
Geolocation of TNLA soldiers in downtown Kyaukme city, Burma after reportedly clearing all junta positions within the town.
2 mėnesį prieš
PM says South Korea not at stage to consider nuclear armament 'for now'
2 mėnesį prieš
Lavrovas: Planuojame pakartoti Rusijos, Indijos ir Kinijos formato susitikimus
2 mėnesį prieš
North Korea sends trash-carrying balloons for 2nd straight day
For 5 days in a row, 4 Chinese Coast Guard ships have repeatedly entered the 12-mile territorial limit around Japan's Senkaku islands.  CCG drove away & expelled Japanese patrol boats & have been spotted sailing within Japan's EEZ for 186 days straight, the longest record ever2 mėnesį prieš
For 5 days in a row, 4 Chinese Coast Guard ships have repeatedly entered the 12-mile territorial limit around Japan's Senkaku islands. CCG "drove away & expelled" Japanese patrol boats & have been spotted sailing within Japan's EEZ for 186 days straight, the longest record ever
"3 theaters-Europe, the MiddleEast & the IndoPacific are increasingly intertwined" @DeputySecState Kurt Campbell tells @CFR_org "PRC, Russia, DPRK & Iran are increasing coordination&security cooperation.There are limits to these partnerships but they cannot be ignored"
2 mėnesį prieš
Palestinian officials: Postponing the talks between the Fatah and Hamas movements in China without setting a new date
2 mėnesį prieš
President @AndrzejDuda during a meeting with the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping: I believe that our activities under the presidency of the EU will be able to contribute to building our mutual relations. I hope that the President will accept our invitation to Poland
2 mėnesį prieš
Firefighters find around 20 bodies at South Korea battery fire site, reports Yonhap
2 mėnesį prieš
JAV, Korėja (ROK) ir Japonija „griežčiausiai smerkia" stiprėjantį KLDR ir Rusijos karinį bendradarbiavimą, įskaitant nuolatinį ginklų perdavimą, kuris pratęsia Ukrainos žmonių kančias, — Bendras pareiškimas.
2 mėnesį prieš
Philippines says it won't back down, but won't start a war, after clash with Chinese Coast Guard
A 26-storey building is on fire in Astana, rescuers evacuated 8 people, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan reports. The Rixos Khan Shatyr Residences complex consists of six residential towers and two office towers.2 mėnesį prieš
A 26-storey building is on fire in Astana, rescuers evacuated 8 people, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan reports. The Rixos Khan Shatyr Residences complex consists of six residential towers and two office towers.
3 mėnesį prieš
Policija apkaltino du Kazachstano piliečius Altajų Žakanbajevą ir Meyramą Karatajevą, kurie birželio 18 d., kaip įtariama, bandė nužudyti Kazachstano opozicijos žurnalistą Aidą Sadikovą.
3 mėnesį prieš
Chinese Ministry of Commerce: The European Union's continued escalation of trade disputes may lead to "igniting a trade war"
3 mėnesį prieš
Putin: Russia expects its cooperation with North Korea to be a "deterrent factor"
3 mėnesį prieš
Putinas: Neatmetame galimybės tiekti Šiaurės Korėjai didelio tikslumo ginklus
The White House: The United States will continue to focus on expanding the partnership with Vietnam
Ginklų sistemų prioritetų pakeitimas Ukrainai neturės įtakos Taivanui, sako Kirby
Baltieji rūmai: Šiaurės Korėjos ir Rusijos susitarimas nestebina
U.S. sends its top diplomat on East Asian and Pacific Affairs, A/S Daniel Kritenbrink, to Hanoi tomorrow to meet with Vietnam officials to underscore strong commitment to implementing Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and to support free, open Indo-Pacific region. A/S Kritenbrink will also reaffirm the U.S’ support for a strong, independent, resilient, and prosperous Vietnam, per DoS. He will discuss shared objectives for next month’s ASEAN-related ministerial meetings, which will take place in Vientiane, Lao PDR
Guangdong (China): The region experienced significant flooding and landslides due to torrential rains
3 mėnesį prieš
Pietų Korėja teigia, kad bet koks bendradarbiavimas, padedantis stiprinti Šiaurės Korėjos kariuomenę, yra JT ST rezoliucijų pažeidimas
3 mėnesį prieš
Pietų Korėja persvarstys ginklų tiekimo Ukrainai klausimą, pranešė prezidento pareigūnas
3 mėnesį prieš
South Korea seized a 2,900-ton cargo ship near the Korea Strait on Thursday on suspicion of violating U.N. Security Council (UNSC) sanctions against North Korea, sources said.
Putinas Hanojuje susitiko su Vietnamo prezidentu3 mėnesį prieš
Putinas Hanojuje susitiko su Vietnamo prezidentu