19 Rugsėjis 2024
3 mėnesį prieš
South Korea will resume today loudspeaker broadcasts at the border directed at North Korea in response to the resumption of the trash balloons
3 mėnesį prieš
Chinese Ministry of Defense: We reject and strongly oppose the sale of American weapons to Taiwan
3 mėnesį prieš
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi calls for the formation of a new government
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated that Taiwan is a sovereign and independent country and is not affiliated with the People's Republic of China. China falsely claims that Taiwan is part of it: Taiwan Slams ChinaTaiwan rebuffs Beijing over its remarks on PM Modi wishing Taiwan President Lai Ching Te. Taiwan foreign ministry statement3 mėnesį prieš
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated that Taiwan is a sovereign and independent country and is not affiliated with the People's Republic of China. China falsely claims that Taiwan is part of it: Taiwan Slams ChinaTaiwan rebuffs Beijing over its remarks on PM Modi wishing Taiwan President Lai Ching Te. Taiwan foreign ministry statement
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:6 PLA aircraft, 6 PLAN vessels, and 4 CCG vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 2 of the aircraft entered our southwestern and southeastern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly3 mėnesį prieš
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:6 PLA aircraft, 6 PLAN vessels, and 4 CCG vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 2 of the aircraft entered our southwestern and southeastern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly
.@StateDept authorizes a Foreign Military Sales FMS case to @TECRO_USA Taiwan for F-16 Non-Standard Spare & Repair Parts and related equipment for an estimated cost of $80 million
US, FVEY partners issue warning on China - says Beijing targeting "current & former military personnel from North Atlantic Treaty Organization (@NATO) nations & other Western countries to help bolster the PLA’s [ People’s Liberation Army] capabilities"
State Department on Elections in India: "The United States congratulates Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the National Democratic Alliance on their victory in the 2024 Lok Sabha general elections. With approximately 650 million voters casting their ballots over the past six weeks, these elections represent the largest exercise in democracy in human history."
3 mėnesį prieš
Modi: Thank you @ChingteLai for your warm message. I look forward to closer ties as we work towards mutually beneficial economic and technological partnership
3 mėnesį prieš
The Kremlin: Over time, the United States will understand the language it needs to speak with China
3 mėnesį prieš
China criticizes the positions of the US Secretary of State and accuses him of inciting an "ideological confrontation"
3 mėnesį prieš
U.S. B-1B bomber holds bombing drills in South Korea: defense ministry
Taiwan Ministry of Defense: 26 PLA aircraft and 10 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 19 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern and southwestern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly3 mėnesį prieš
Taiwan Ministry of Defense: 26 PLA aircraft and 10 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 19 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern and southwestern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly
3 mėnesį prieš
Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed victory for his alliance despite a lackluster performance from his party
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:19 PLA aircraft, 8 PLAN vessels, and 4 CCG vessels operating around Taiwan were detected today. 17 of the aircraft crossed the median line of Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's northern and SW ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly3 mėnesį prieš
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:19 PLA aircraft, 8 PLAN vessels, and 4 CCG vessels operating around Taiwan were detected today. 17 of the aircraft crossed the median line of Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's northern and SW ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly
Užbaikalijoje ir Buriatijoje dėl miškų gaisrų buvo įvestas federalinis nepaprastosios padėties režimas
3 mėnesį prieš
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was acquitted of charges of leaking state secrets
3 mėnesį prieš
South Korea announces the suspension of the military agreement with North Korea
Ukrainos prezidentas Zelenskis atvyko į Filipinus3 mėnesį prieš
Ukrainos prezidentas Zelenskis atvyko į Filipinus
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:8 PLAN vessels and 4 CCG vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly. Illustration is not provided due to no PLA aircraft operating around Taiwan during this timeframe3 mėnesį prieš
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:8 PLAN vessels and 4 CCG vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly. Illustration is not provided due to no PLA aircraft operating around Taiwan during this timeframe
3 mėnesį prieš
North Korea announces it will stop sending balloons filled with garbage to South Korea
3 mėnesį prieš
Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy said that "Alma-Ata is a Russian fortress," and also spoke about possible problems between the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan
3 mėnesį prieš
Kitas atskleidžiantis JAV ir Kinijos gynybos pareigūnų pokalbis SLD24 US SECDEF Lloydas Austinas sulaukė plojimų po to, kai atsakė PLA pulkininkui, kuris teigė, kad NATO plėtra sukėlė karą Ukrainoje. „Su pagarba nesutinku su jūsų nuomone, kad NATO plėtra sukėlė Ukrainos krizę. Ukrainos krizė akivaizdžiai kilo dėl to, kad V. Putinas priėmė sprendimą neteisėtai įsiveržti į savo kaimyną".
Zelenskis atvyko į Singapūrą dalyvauti Shangri-La Dialogue saugumo konferencijoje. Jis kalbės konferencijoje, taip pat surengs keletą susitikimų: su Singapūro prezidentu ir ministru pirmininku, su Singapūro investuotojais ir su JAV gynybos sekretoriumi Lloydu Ostinu.3 mėnesį prieš
Zelenskis atvyko į Singapūrą dalyvauti Shangri-La Dialogue saugumo konferencijoje. Jis kalbės konferencijoje, taip pat surengs keletą susitikimų: su Singapūro prezidentu ir ministru pirmininku, su Singapūro investuotojais ir su JAV gynybos sekretoriumi Lloydu Ostinu.
Bendras pareiškimas: „Raginame KLDR ir Rusiją nutraukti neteisėtą ginklų perdavimą ir raginame KLDR imtis konkrečių veiksmų siekiant visiškai, patikrinamai ir negrįžtamai atsisakyti visų branduolinių ginklų, balistinių raketų ir susijusių programų".
3 mėnesį prieš
Putinas kalbėjosi telefonu su Lukašenka, buvo aptartas artėjantis SCO viršūnių susitikimas Kazachstane, kuriame planuojama Baltarusijai suteikti organizacijos nario statusą.
3 mėnesį prieš
South Korea urges North Korea to stop provocations, warns of painful measures that Pyongyang cannot endure
Tokayev and Putin had a telephone conversation3 mėnesį prieš
Tokayev and Putin had a telephone conversation
3 mėnesį prieš
North Korea fired 18 KN-25 short-range guided ballistic missiles
3 mėnesį prieš
Kinijos gynybos ministras per pirmąjį susitikimą su JAV gynybos sekretoriumi per dvejus metus paneigė, kad Pekinas tiekia ginklus Rusijai