19 Rugsėjis 2024
2 mėnesį prieš
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 132 km ESE of Tomioka, Japan
Senate defense policy bill calls for USFK troops maintenance, extended deterrence to South Korea
Baltieji rūmai: Kinija remia Rusijos karą Ukrainoje
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 47 km N of Maba, Indonesia
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North Korea appears to have released border dam water without prior notice
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Lavrovas: Putinas ir Modi aptarė tarptautinę situaciją ir bendradarbiavimą BRICS grupėje, Šanchajaus organizacijoje ir G20 grupėje
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Kremlius: konstruktyvios Putino ir Indijos ministro pirmininko derybos dėl Ukrainos
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Encounter breaks out between militants and security forces in J&K’s Doda. More details awaited
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Indijos premjeras Modi sako Rusijos Putinui: nekaltų vaikų mirtis yra labai skaudi, ir mes apie tai vakar diskutavome. Modi: sprendimo negalima rasti mūšio lauke. Modi: mes turime rasti taiką per derybas
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Indian Prime Minister: Our relationship with Russia will deepen over the coming years
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Modi Putinui: karas nėra sprendimas, todėl dialogas būtinas
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Talks between Putin and Modi have started in the Kremlin
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Death toll from Indonesia landslide rises to 23
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Putin meeting Modi in Moscow: Russia and India are discussing the construction of six more high-power nuclear power plant units at the new site, as well as low-power nuclear plants
U.S. State Dept: U.S. has made quite clear to India in direct conversations concerns about its relationship with Russia
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NATO is 'not expanding' into Indo-Pacific: U.S. official
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Indian PM met Putin in his residence near Moscow
India PM Modi lands in Moscow for talks with Putin2 mėnesį prieš
India PM Modi lands in Moscow for talks with Putin
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ROK takes up leadership role in US-led naval exercise with eye on North Korea
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Kinijos prezidentas: Ankstyvos paliaubos ir politinis susitarimas Ukrainoje atitiktų visų šalių interesus
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Vengrijos ministras pirmininkas iš Pekino: Kinija yra pagrindinė jėga kuriant sąlygas taikai Rusijos ir Ukrainos kare
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Japan and Philippines sign defense pact allowing their forces to train in each other's territory
Preparations for a coup in Kyrgyzstan - details from the State Committee for National Security of the republic: - The suspects wanted to organize sports games near Bishkek on August 31 (Independence Day) to gather a large number of young people from all regions of the country.2 mėnesį prieš
Preparations for a coup in Kyrgyzstan - details from the State Committee for National Security of the republic: - The suspects wanted to organize sports games near Bishkek on August 31 (Independence Day) to gather a large number of young people from all regions of the country.
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4 Militants killed in Kulgam encounter of South Kashmir by Indian Army, J&K Police and CRPF. Encounter continues
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Philippine Army Commander: The United States offered us support in the South China Sea operations
Erdogan meets Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Kazakhstan for the first time since 20222 mėnesį prieš
Erdogan meets Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Kazakhstan for the first time since 2022
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Xi Jinping at the SCO summit called on the association countries to increase the exchange of intelligence data
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The European Union has carried out its threat to impose provisional tariffs on imports of electric cars from China of up to 37.6%, according to the bloc's Official Journal
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Chinese President: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization stands on the right side of history, fairness and justice
Tokayev announced a decision on full membership of Belarus in the SCO2 mėnesį prieš
Tokayev announced a decision on full membership of Belarus in the SCO