23 Люты 2025
5 дзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 35 km E of Shikotan, Russia
Nepali students protest outside the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu after mistreatment faced by students at KIIT University in Odisha, India. Prakriti Lamsal, a third-year B Tech student from Nepal, died by suicide at the University after facing molestation by a student
Атака беспілотнікаў вывела з ладу Крапоткінскую нафтаперапампавальную станцыю ў Краснадарскім краі5 дзень таму
Атака беспілотнікаў вывела з ладу Крапоткінскую нафтаперапампавальную станцыю ў Краснадарскім краі
5 дзень таму
China urges US to "correct its mistakes" quickly after State Department website removes Taiwan independence reference
6 дзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 153 km NE of Tual, Indonesia
6 дзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 58 km N of Claveria, Philippines
6 дзень таму
Canadian frigate transits Taiwan Strait
Taiwan Strait—  @MoNDefense detected 41 Chinese PLA aircraft operating nearby, and 28 crossed into Taiwan's Air Defense ID Zone (ADIZ). 9 PLA Navy warships and 1 official ship were also tracked.  This represents the largest single-day ADIZ incursion so far in 20256 дзень таму
Taiwan Strait— @MoNDefense detected 41 Chinese PLA aircraft operating nearby, and 28 crossed into Taiwan's Air Defense ID Zone (ADIZ). 9 PLA Navy warships and 1 "official ship" were also tracked. This represents the largest single-day ADIZ incursion so far in 2025
The U.S. State Department has removed a statement on its website that it does not support Taiwan independence, among changes that the island's government praised on Sunday as supporting Taiwan
6 дзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 25 km NE of Sibolga, Indonesia
6 дзень таму
The Pakistan Armed Forces have undertaken airstrikes tonight as part of counterterrorism operations, at various locations/territories. These strikes were aimed at preemptively eliminating imminent threats to national security and citizens.More details will be shared shortly
6 дзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - east of the Kuril Islands
6 дзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 128 km E of Bitung, Indonesia
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 134 km NNE of Lobuche, Nepal
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 21 km S of Rawalpindi, Pakistan
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Kuril Islands
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 113 km S of Honchō, Japan
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 29 km NNW of Labuan Bajo, Indonesia
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 30 km ENE of Llorente, Philippines
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 32 km S of San Rafael, Philippines
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 196 km N of Tobelo, Indonesia
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - Izu Islands, Japan region
Demonstrations in Malaysia in protest against Trump's plan to displace the people of Gaza
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 63 km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia
1 тыдзень таму
Chinese Foreign Minister: We are fully confident in the future of China-US relations
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 109 km SSW of Labuan, Indonesia
Вэнс сустрэўся з генсекам НАТА Маркам Рутэ: Мы хочам пераканацца, што НАТА створана для будучыні, што азначае, што НАТА робіць больш у Еўропе, каб ЗША маглі зрабіць больш ва Усходняй Азіі
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 259 km E of Kuril’sk, Russia
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - Banda Sea
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 198 km WSW of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia