23 Люты 2025
Вэнс сустрэўся з генсекам НАТА Маркам Рутэ: Мы хочам пераканацца, што НАТА створана для будучыні, што азначае, што НАТА робіць больш у Еўропе, каб ЗША маглі зрабіць больш ва Усходняй Азіі
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 259 km E of Kuril’sk, Russia
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - Banda Sea
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 198 km WSW of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Trump: One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia, and I want to say, 'let's cut our military budget in half.' And we can do that.1 тыдзень таму
Trump: "One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia, and I want to say, 'let's cut our military budget in half.' And we can do that."
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Trump: I will hold talks with China, Russia on reducing military spending and denuclearization when things calm down
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Trump: Trade with BRICS could be subject to at least 100% tariffs
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Trump: Taiwan took our chip business.. and we want that business back
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - Banda Sea
Modi: Had a very good meeting with @elonmusk in Washington DC. We discussed various issues, including those he is passionate about such as space, mobility, technology and innovation. I talked about India's efforts towards reform and furthering 'Minimum Government, Maximum Governance.'1 тыдзень таму
Modi: Had a very good meeting with @elonmusk in Washington DC. We discussed various issues, including those he is passionate about such as space, mobility, technology and innovation. I talked about India's efforts towards reform and furthering 'Minimum Government, Maximum Governance.'
SecDef @PeteHegseth пра Кітай: Мы не лічым, што канфлікт непазбежны, і, вядома, не імкнемся да канфлікту з Кітаем, і таму ў прэзідэнта Трампа такія добрыя адносіны з Сі Цзіньпінам. Але для нас было разумна працаваць з саюзнікамі і партнёрамі ў Ціхім акіяне, каб гарантаваць, што стрымліванне, жорсткае стрымліванне сілай, а не толькі рэпутацыя, існуе. І таму шмат маіх першых тэлефонных званкоў у якасці сакратара абароны былі ціхаакіянскімі саюзнікамі.
1 тыдзень таму
Брытанскі міністр замежных спраў: я абмяркоўваў глабальную стабільнасць з маім кітайскім калегам, уключаючы Блізкі Усход і Украіну
1 тыдзень таму
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 290 km WSW of Tual, Indonesia
Расейская ФСБ паведамляе пра забойства падазраваных, якія рыхтавалі выбух на вакзале ў Пскове, магчымая ячэйка ІДІЛ-К1 тыдзень таму
Расейская ФСБ паведамляе пра забойства падазраваных, якія рыхтавалі выбух на вакзале ў Пскове, магчымая ячэйка ІДІЛ-К
Australia protests to China over 'dangerous' fighter manoeuvres in disputed waters
1 тыдзень таму
ISIS member neutralized outside security perimeters of @MUDH_AF in Kabul
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 18 km WSW of Dompu, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 59 km E of Onagawa Chō, Japan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 13 km WSW of Kamaishi, Japan
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UN denounces 'serious violations' of human rights during protests against Sheikh Hasina in Bangladesh
NATO спадзяецца, што Трампа ўдасца пераканаць, што яму патрэбныя саюзнікі для перамогі над Кітаем, і таму ён будзе працягваць сваю дзейнасць у Еўропе. Сёньня генэральны сэк Рутэ падкрэсьліў, што дрэнная зьдзелка ва Ўкраіне ўзмацніла б Пэкін
Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan met Iran's President today in Tehran1 тыдзень таму
Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan met Iran's President today in Tehran
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 21 km WSW of Lahat, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 78 km W of Tobelo, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - Izu Islands, Japan region
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 7 km S of Claveria, Philippines
ISIS-K has accepted responsibility for a Suicide Attack on a Bank earlier today within the Northern Afghan City of Kunduz, resulting in the death and injury of roughly 50 Taliban Fighters who were waiting to receive their Paychecks1 тыдзень таму
ISIS-K has accepted responsibility for a Suicide Attack on a Bank earlier today within the Northern Afghan City of Kunduz, resulting in the death and injury of roughly 50 Taliban Fighters who were waiting to receive their Paychecks
Negotiations on natural gas trade between Turkey and Turkmenistan, which began in 1998, have come to a conclusion after 27 years. An agreement was reached on the supply of Turkmen gas to Turkey. The agreement is planned to start deliveries as of March 1, 2025.1 тыдзень таму
Negotiations on natural gas trade between Turkey and Turkmenistan, which began in 1998, have come to a conclusion after 27 years. An agreement was reached on the supply of Turkmen gas to Turkey. The agreement is planned to start deliveries as of March 1, 2025.
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 187 km NE of Tual, Indonesia
1 тыдзень таму
North Korea condemns US nuclear submarine's arrival in South Korea