19 Верасень 2024
A magnitude-5.5 quake hit Luzon Island in northern Philippines at a depth of 30 kilometers on Tuesday (Aug.1)
5.4 magnitude earthquake. 77 km from Namuac, CagayanValley, Philippines
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 67 km N of Namuac, Philippines
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 131 km E of Miyako, Japan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 60 km NE of Qujing, China
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Jihadi terror plot against Chabad house in Mumbai, India foiled: - 2 militants arrested with photos - including from drones - of the Chabad house, where a terror attack was carried out in 2008 in which 6 people were murdered; - The suspects were in possession of both explosives and equipment for making explosive devices; - Security at the Chabad house has been increased, Mumbai police on alert
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 176 km E of Kuril’sk, Russia
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 209 km NNE of Shi Yomi, India
In the aftermath of the Bajaur bomb blast, Imran Maher, the Jalsa organizer and JUI leader, who personally witnessed the incident, is urgently appealing to the local community to come forward and donate blood.nn: Blial Yasir
Over 20 killed and 150 injured in a suicide blast targeting Workers Convention of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam in Khar of Bajaur District or Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. More details are awaited. Rescue ops underway
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 175 km N of Gili Trawangan, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 211 km NNE of Shi Yomi, India
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 42 km SE of Tobelo, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 5 km NW of Chikusei, Japan
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Украінскія вайскоўцы, якія кіруюць рэактыўнымі сістэмамі залпавага агню, заявілі, што паўночнакарэйскія ракеты былі канфіскаваныя з карабля сяброўскай краінай перад тым, як былі дастаўлены ва Украіну. Яны адмовіліся паведаміць больш падрабязную інфармацыю
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 - Andaman Islands, India region
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 125 km SE of Hiroo, Japan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Eastern Xizang
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 205 km NNE of Shi Yomi, India
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 90 km NE of Shikotan, Russia
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In Buryatia, about 40 people fired on and threw at the police, who came to detain them for illegal mining of jade. Employees returned fire and managed to detain 27 attackers
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - Izu Islands, Japan region
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 81 km W of Tomamae, Japan
Украіна: расійскія ваенныя цяпер выкарыстоўваюць боепрыпасы вытворчасці М'янмы - бірманскія мінамёты 120ER калібрам 120 мм HE нядаўна з'явіліся на ўзбраенні Расіі. Раней аб пастаўках боепрыпасаў з М'янмы ў Расею не паведамлялася1 рок таму
Украіна: расійскія ваенныя цяпер выкарыстоўваюць боепрыпасы вытворчасці М'янмы - бірманскія мінамёты 120ER калібрам 120 мм HE нядаўна з'явіліся на ўзбраенні Расіі. Раней аб пастаўках боепрыпасаў з М'янмы ў Расею не паведамлялася
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 101 km SW of Sarangani, Philippines
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - Flores Sea
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Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announces his resignation
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Міністр абароны Расеі Шайгу знаходзіцца з візітам у Паўночнай Карэі
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 23 km E of Miyazaki, Japan
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Turkmenistan is ready to implement a project to build a gas pipeline along the bottom of the Caspian Sea in order to transport Turkmen blue fuel to European markets (Trans-Caspian pipeline) - the official statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan says