5 أكتوبر 2024
On Artificial Intelligence-"We're seeing a variety of bad actors using AI to make themselves significantly more effective" per @FBI's Wray in Q&A. Says that includes China
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Tsunami alert after a volcano in Indonesia has several big eruptions and thousands are told to leave
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الصين: على إسرائيل الامتثال لقرار مجلس الأمن ووقف إطلاق النار في قطاع غزة
بايدن: أريد منافسة عادلة وليس صراعا مع الصين
وزير الخارجية الأميركي أنتوني بلينكن يزور الصين الأسبوع المقبل
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Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits western Japan: USGSREAD:
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US navy flies aircraft through the Taiwan Strait a day after US-China defense chiefs hold rare talks
North Korea has reportedly been preparing to launch its second reconnaissance satellite. Recent satellite imagery suggests that a launch was planned but canceled for unknown reasons5 الشهر منذ
North Korea has reportedly been preparing to launch its second reconnaissance satellite. Recent satellite imagery suggests that a launch was planned but canceled for unknown reasons
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المستشار الألماني: طلبت من الرئيس الصيني محاولة الضغط على روسيا لوقف الحرب في أوكرانيا
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الكرملين: نرحب بموقف بكين المتوازن بشأن تسوية الأزمة الأوكرانية ونحن على دراية بمقترحات الصين
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US National Security Adviser Sullivan has postponed a visit to India that was scheduled for this week due to "ongoing events in the Middle East", according to US Embassy in New Delhi
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Overall 18 PLA aircraft in various types (including J-10, Y-8, UAVs, etc.) were detected along the SW coast of Mainland China from 1150hr today. Out of which, 11 crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered the north, central, and southwest parts of Taiwan's ADIZ
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العربية: قوات إيرانية استولت على السفينة البرتغالية "MSC ARIES" بمضيق هرمز وعلى متنها 20 فلبينياn
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الشرطة الباكستانية: مسلحون يقتلون 9 رجال بعد خطفهم من حافلة متجهة إلى إيران
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الجيش الصيني: سنضرب بشكل أي أنشطة انفصالية في تايوان
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الجيش الصيني: سنضرب بشكل أي أنشطة انفصالية في تايوان
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الخارجية الهندية تنصح رعاياها بـ"عدم السفر إلى إيران وإسرائيل حتى إشعار آخر"
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الهند: على مواطنينا في إيران وإسرائيل مراعاة الاحتياطات المتعلقة بسلامتهم وتقييد تحركاتهم إلى الحد الأدنى
PRC vessel swarm at Scarborough Shoal in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone. Includes at least China Coast Guard 3106 (currently running AIS-dark) & CCG 3302 plus 10 large Qiong Sansha Yu maritime militia ships5 الشهر منذ
PRC vessel swarm at Scarborough Shoal in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone. Includes at least China Coast Guard 3106 (currently running AIS-dark) & CCG 3302 plus 10 large Qiong Sansha Yu maritime militia ships
Biden says US is ready to defend the Philippines from any attack in the disputed South China Sea, which Beijing claims almost all of it
وزارة الخزانة الأميركية: الصين كانت أكبر مصدر لتمويل الدول النامية.. لكنها تتراجع
في خطاب ألقاه أمام الجلسة المشتركة للكونغرس، حذر رئيس الوزراء الياباني كيشيدا من أن "أوكرانيا اليوم قد تكون شرق آسيا غدًا"
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الصين: مستعدون للعمل مع كوريا الشمالية على رفع مستوى العلاقات
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Vietnam tycoon sentenced to death in $12 billion fraud case, state media reports
14 PLA aircraft and 6 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 6 of the aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's SW and eastern ADIZ5 الشهر منذ
14 PLA aircraft and 6 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 6 of the aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's SW and eastern ADIZ
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Myanmar ethnic KNU/KNLA told they have conquered/taken over Myawaddy from militarycoup government as of last night. Coup soldiers surrendering & trying to seek protection from Thailand. Minutes ago, Thai reinforcements of ~20 soldiers
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North Korea leader Kim Jong Un says now is time to be ready for war, KCNA says
Biden says US, Australia and Japan will establish a joint network of air defense system
South Korea parliamentary election exit poll by KBS, SBS and MBC predicts a landslide victory for the main opposition Democratic Party with 184-197 seats out of 300, and 85-99 for the ruling People Power Party5 الشهر منذ
South Korea parliamentary election exit poll by KBS, SBS and MBC predicts a landslide victory for the main opposition Democratic Party with 184-197 seats out of 300, and 85-99 for the ruling People Power Party
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China’s Xi hosts former Taiwan president Ma in Beijing, in a first visit by a former Taiwanese leader since the end of the civil war in 1949. Ma is from the Beijing friendly opposition, so this visit should not be taken as a peace gesture