5 أكتوبر 2024
8 الشهر منذ
6pm: Two hours after polling closed, and the official CEC count has Lai comfortably ahead at 43.27%, Hou second with 34.01% and Ko trailing at 22.72%, with 1,841 polling places out of 17,795 (10%) reporting
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5:40pm: The National Police Agency reported 92 legal violations at the polls, 49 of which involved taking photos of a ballot or bringing a phone or recording equipment into the voting booth, and 13 were for campaigning
Several voters were reported to have breached election laws as of noon Saturday, during Taiwan's presidential and legislative elections, with actions such as tearing up their ballot papers, according to local government election officials8 الشهر منذ
Several voters were reported to have breached election laws as of noon Saturday, during Taiwan's presidential and legislative elections, with actions such as tearing up their ballot papers, according to local government election officials
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Voting in Taiwan's presidential and legislative elections opened at 8 a.m. Saturday, with voting permitted until 4 p.m., as voters visited polling stations around Taiwan to cast their ballots.nPolls open for presidential, legislative elections - Focus Taiwan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Izu Islands, Japan region
8 الشهر منذ
الجيش الصيني يتعهد بسحق أي محاولة لاستقلال تايوان عشية إجرائها انتخابات الرئاسة
8 الشهر منذ
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 43 km ENE of Barcelona, Philippines
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 130 km E of Bitung, Indonesia
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الصين تعلن وقفا لإطلاق النار بين المجلس العسكري في ميانمار ومجموعات مسلحة
8 الشهر منذ
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 118 km ESE of Sarangani, Philippines
الخارجية الأمريكية: بلينكن رحب بزيادة التعاون مع الهند للدفاع عن حرية الملاحة في المنطقة
الولايات المتحدة تفرض عقوبات على 3 كيانات روسية وشخص واحد بسبب عمليات نقل أسلحة مع كوريا الشمالية
8 الشهر منذ
Taiwan foreign minister criticized election interference from China and said he hopes China could hold elections too
8 الشهر منذ
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 271 km SSW of Banjar, Indonesia
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أ.ف.ب: زلزال بقوة 2.4 درجات قرب موقع اختبارات نووية تابع لكوريا الشمالية
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Blast Hits Western Kabul. An explosion was heard in Kabul's western Dasht-e-Barchi area on Thursday afternoon, January 11, local sources said. According to eyewitnesses, the blast took place near a bustling business center, Barchi Business Center. Casualties feared
8 الشهر منذ
A powerful earthquake hit northeastern Afghanistan on Thursday, shaking buildings from the capital Kabul to Islamabad in neighboring Pakistan
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Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 - 44 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan
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الصين تدعو الولايات المتحدة إلى "عدم التدخل" في الانتخابات الرئاسية في تايوان
تركت منطقتان في نوفوسيبيرسك بدون تدفئة بعد وقوع حادث في خط الأنابيب
China warns voters in Taiwan that an election win by presidential frontrunner Lai Ching-te poses a severe danger to cross-strait ties, days before the self-ruled island heads to the polls. If he comes to power, he will further push for 'Taiwan independence' separatist activities (and create) turbulence in the Taiwan Strait, a China's Taiwan Affairs Office statement says8 الشهر منذ
China warns voters in Taiwan that an election win by presidential frontrunner Lai Ching-te poses a "severe danger" to cross-strait ties, days before the self-ruled island heads to the polls. "If he comes to power, he will further push for 'Taiwan independence' separatist activities (and create) turbulence in the Taiwan Strait," a China's Taiwan Affairs Office statement says
8 الشهر منذ
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 57 km NE of Tobelo, Indonesia
8 الشهر منذ
واشنطن: خروقات روسيا لقرارات الأمم المتحدة بامتلاكها سلاح كوري شمالي "أمر بغيض"
8 الشهر منذ
Chinese President Xi Jinping meets Maldives Prez Muizzu in Beijing
Iran’s ambassador in Kabul, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, met with the acting Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, Iran's embassy said on X, adding that Kazemi expressed Tehran’s readiness for all kinds of cooperation and assistance with the people of Afghanistan. According to Iran’s embassy, Muttaqi expressed Kabul’s readiness to host the meeting of the special envoy of the regional countries in Afghan affairs. the Islamic Emirate Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Abdul Qahar Balkhi, said that Muttaqi discussed the bilateral economic, diplomatic relations and consultant services for the Afghan refugees in Iran as well as safeguarding borders between the two countries.8 الشهر منذ
Iran’s ambassador in Kabul, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, met with the acting Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, Iran's embassy said on X, adding that Kazemi expressed Tehran’s readiness for all kinds of cooperation and assistance with the people of Afghanistan. According to Iran’s embassy, Muttaqi expressed Kabul’s readiness to host the meeting of the special envoy of the regional countries in Afghan affairs. the Islamic Emirate Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Abdul Qahar Balkhi, said that Muttaqi discussed the bilateral economic, diplomatic relations and consultant services for the Afghan refugees in Iran as well as safeguarding borders between the two countries.
8 الشهر منذ
الرئيس الصيني: العالم بحاجة لاستقرار العلاقات الصينية الأميركية
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:8 PLA aircraft and 5 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 06:00 (UTC 8) today. 1 of the detected aircraft (BZK-005 UAV RECCE) had crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and tasked appropriate forces to respond8 الشهر منذ
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:8 PLA aircraft and 5 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 06:00 (UTC 8) today. 1 of the detected aircraft (BZK-005 UAV RECCE) had crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and tasked appropriate forces to respond
US, China defense officials wrap up 2 days of talks  Deputy Asst Sec of Defense Michael Chase met with MajGen Song Yanchao at the Pentagon Monday-Tuesday Chase highlighted the importance of maintaining open lines of military-to-military communication per US readout8 الشهر منذ
US, China defense officials wrap up 2 days of talks Deputy Asst Sec of Defense Michael Chase met with MajGen Song Yanchao at the Pentagon Monday-Tuesday "Chase highlighted the importance of maintaining open lines of military-to-military communication" per US readout
بيان مشترك لوزراء خارجية ألبانيا، أندورا، الأرجنتين، أستراليا، النمسا، بلجيكا، بلغاريا، كندا، كرواتيا، قبرص، جمهورية التشيك، الدنمارك، إستونيا، فنلندا، فرنسا، جورجيا، ألمانيا، اليونان، غواتيمالا، أيسلندا ، أيرلندا، إسرائيل، إيطاليا، اليابان، لاتفيا، ليختنشتاين، ليتوانيا، لوكسمبورغ، مالطا، مولدوفا، موناكو، الجبل الأسود، هولندا، نيوزيلندا، مقدونيا الشمالية، النرويج، بالاو، بولندا، البرتغال، جمهورية كوريا، رومانيا، سان مارينو، وسلوفينيا، وإسبانيا، والسويد، وأوكرانيا، والمملكة المتحدة، والممثل السامي للاتحاد الأوروبي، ووزيرة خارجية الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: ندين بأشد العبارات الممكنة هجوم جمهورية كوريا الشعبية الديمقراطية. تصدير وشراء روسيا للصواريخ الباليستية لكوريا الديمقراطية، وكذلك استخدام روسيا لهذه الصواريخ ضد أوكرانيا في 30 ديسمبر 2023، و2 يناير 2024. إن نقل هذه الأسلحة يزيد من معاناة الشعب الأوكراني، ويدعم الحرب العدوانية الروسية، ويقوض النظام العالمي لعدم الانتشار
8 الشهر منذ
North Korea leader calls South Korea 'principal enemy', says he has 'no intention of avoiding war'