5 أكتوبر 2024
7 الشهر منذ
Tajikistan: The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs called the explosion in Kulyab a terrorist attack
7 الشهر منذ
تم إطلاق مركبة الإطلاق Soyuz-2.1a مع سفينة نقل البضائع Progress MS-26 من قاعدة بايكونور الفضائية.
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Kazakhstan just announced that they will be compensating oil over production within the next 4 months - energy ministry
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أ ف ب: اتفاق على تشكيل ائتلاف حكومي في باكستان مع استبعاد حزب عمران خان
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Indian police fire tear gas as protesting farmers march to capital
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الصين تحضّ إسرائيل على وقف عمليتها العسكرية في رفح "في أقرب وقت ممكن"
Taiwan's defense ministry says that it detected 8 Chinese balloons crossing the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the second day in a row that it detected large numbers of balloons crossing the Strait7 الشهر منذ
Taiwan's defense ministry says that it detected 8 Chinese balloons crossing the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the second day in a row that it detected large numbers of balloons crossing the Strait
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باكستان.. حزب عمران خان: سننظم احتجاجات غدا إذا لم تظهر النتائج النهائية الليلة
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انقطاع التيار الكهربائي عن مدينة ستيبنوجورسك
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رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني السابق نواز شريف فوزه في الانتخابات العامة
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Massive protest erupts in Pakistan against rigging. After elections, these protests can intensify, as there were reportedly 2 dead and 11 injured during the protest at Shangla
Iran’s DepFM @Bagheri_Kani and China’s Vice FM Ma Zhaoxu met in Beijing on Thursday. Iranian diplomat said Iran values the maritime security in the Red Sea, and thinks that only a resolution of Gaza conflict can bring back stability to the Red Sea7 الشهر منذ
Iran’s DepFM @Bagheri_Kani and China’s Vice FM Ma Zhaoxu met in Beijing on Thursday. Iranian diplomat said Iran values the maritime security in the Red Sea, and thinks that only a resolution of Gaza conflict can bring back stability to the Red Sea
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نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي: روسيا واثقة من حل جميع قضايا المعاملات المالية والمدفوعات مع الصين، والقيود التي تفرضها البنوك الصينية مؤقتة بسبب الخوف من العقوبات
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زعيم كوريا الشمالية: بلادي ستقضي على أعدائها إذا استخدموا القوة ضدها
يؤيد مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي التصويت الإجرائي لدفع مشروع قانون لمساعدة أوكرانيا وإسرائيل وتايوان دون البنود المتعلقة بالحدود. 67-32 صوتا. وهذا يسمح لمجلس الشيوخ بالانتقال إلى الخطوة التالية
توصل مجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي إلى 60 صوتًا لدعم بدء العمل على مشروع قانون المساعدات الخارجية
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أجرى بوتين وشي جين بينغ مكالمة هاتفية
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وسائل إعلام باكستانية: تعليق خدمات الإنترنت والهاتف المحمول مع بدء الانتخابات البرلمانية
استخدمت روسيا صاروخ Hvason 11GA(KN-23) الكوري الشمالي اليوم ضد خاركيف8 الشهر منذ
استخدمت روسيا صاروخ Hvason 11GA(KN-23) الكوري الشمالي اليوم ضد خاركيف
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At least 20 killed in two explosions in Pakistan's Balochistan province, officials say, day before general election
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Chinese Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank notified customers about the suspension of transactions with Russia
U.S. stresses close trilateral coordination with South Korea, Japan over 'destabilizing' North Korea actions
Barely a week after @ASEAN agreed to Thailand's plans to provide humanitarian aid to Myanmar militarycoup victims, reports say military shelled schools in Demoso Karenni state, near Thai border killing/injuring children8 الشهر منذ
Barely a week after @ASEAN agreed to Thailand's plans to provide humanitarian aid to Myanmar militarycoup victims, reports say military shelled schools in Demoso Karenni state, near Thai border killing/injuring children
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The government of Kazakhstan has resigned, the press service of President Tokayev reported. The reason is not specified.
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A 5.0 magnitude earthquake occurred 25.48mi E of Nishinoomote, Japan.
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The person injured in the shooting has now died, according to police.
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A person was critically injured in a shooting on Indy's near north side early Sunday morning
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The World Food Program (WFP) in Afghanistan said in a statement that Japan contributed US$13.5 million for WFP in Afghanistan for emergency assistance for 630,000 people, school feeding for 36,000 children & to keep WPF operational. “This contribution comes at a critical moment for the many families across the country who are less prepared than ever to face the harsh Afghan winter when hunger bites hardest,” said Hsiao-Wei Lee, WFP Country Director in Afghanistan
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The South Korean Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian Ambassador and protested to him regarding the position of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation on the Korean Peninsula
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[China’s 8th launch in 2024] At UTC 03:06 Feb 3, 9 satellites were successfully launched by Smart Dragon/Jielong-3 rocket at Yangjiang, Guangdong. It’s also the 3rd launch of commercial Jielong-3 rocket series. HD: