The Kremlin on Thursday declined to comment when asked if Russia had helped North Korea with missile technology, calling the issue a specialised one that was better fielded by the Defence Ministry
A report states that Pakistani military airstrikes targeting Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) positions in Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, have caused civilian casualties
At least nine civilians were killed and 18 others injured on Tuesday in a junta airstrike on Arakan State's Ann Township, where fighting between the Myanmar military and Arakkha Army (AA) is ongoing, according to local sources
South Korea's military condemns North Korea's ICBM launch as 'illegal, reckless' provocation
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 107 km SE of Vilyuchinsk, Russia
North Korea leader says ICBM launch demonstrates 'counteraction will,' says North Korea will never change line of bolstering nuclear forces: KCNA
White House "strongly condemns" North Korean missile test
Ballistic missile believed to have fallen outside the Japanese EEZ west of Okushiri Island
North Korea's possible ballistic missile flying on a "lofted trajectory" (07:51)
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 49 km NNE of Namuac, Philippines
Wezîrê Berevaniya Amerîka dibêje, Rûsya bi alîkariya Koreya Bakur jî li Ukraynayê sernakeve
Austin warns that North Korea nuclear attack will result in end of Kim Jong-un government: joint statement
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 64 km SE of Bobon, Philippines
Government troops have advanced into Chauk Township in Magwe Region, raiding and burning villages
Karbidestekî serokatiyê roja Çarşemê got, Koreya Başûr armanc dike ku tîmekê bişîne Ukraynayê ji bo çavdêrîkirin û analîzkirina şandina leşkerên Koreya Bakur ji hêla Rûsyayê ve.
Ofîsa serokatiyê: Koreya Başûr nafikire ku rasterast topên 155 mm ji Ukraynayê re peyda bike.
Ofîsa Serokatiya Koreya Başûr dibêje herî kêm 11,000 leşkerên Koreya Bakur li Rûsyayê hatine bicihkirin, nêzî 3,000 jî şandine rojavayê Rûsyayê.
1 week ago Clashes in Nimroz province after Iranian security forces reportedly opened fire on smugglers within Afghanistan who were attempting to cross into Iran
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 2 km W of Sakai, Japan
1 week ago The Myanmar junta launched another airstrike on a detention center holding government forces, run by the Mandalay People’s Defense Force, early on Wednesday morning, killing four detainees, including a detained junta major. (Photo: Mandalay PDF)
Yekîneya pêşkeftî ya Koreya Bakur dibe ku li xetên pêşîn ên li Rûsyayê were bicîh kirin: Artêşa Koreya Başûr
North Korea completes preparations, deployment of ICBM TEL; launch likely in November: South Korean military
North Korea finishes unspecified preparations inside Punggyeri nuclear test site: South Korean military
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:10 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 5 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan’s southwestern ADIZ
1 week ago Serok Biden dibêje ku ew ji leşkerên Koreya Bakur ên li Kursk, Rûsyayê bi fikar e. Dema ku jê tê pirsîn gelo divê Ukraynayî paşve bixin. Serok Biden bersiv da: "Eger ew derbasî Ukraynayê bibin, erê."
"Me dît ku pêwendiya di navbera Koreya Bakur û Rûsyayê de kûrtir dibe" li gorî @PentagonPresSec. Moskow di berdêla leşkerên Koreya Bakur de çi dide Pyongyang hîn ne diyar e
Leşkerên Koreya Bakur bi piranî di destpêka 20-saliya xwe de, hin di xortaniya xwe de li Rûsyayê bi cih bûne: Ajansa sîxuriyê ya Koreya Başûr
Zelenskyy: Ukrayna dê şandekê bişîne Koreya Başûr ji bo koordînasyona tevgerê li ser şandina hêzên Koreya Bakur: Seul
Serok Zelenskyi bi Seroke Komareye Koreye Yoon Suk Yeol re bi telefone peywendi kir. Serokan behsa beşdarbûna artêşa Koreya Bakur di êrîşa Rûsyayê ya li ser Ukraynayê de kirin. Tenê encamek heye - ev şer navneteweyî ye û ji sînorên du dewletan derbas dibe
Vietnam, UAE sign comprehensive economic partnership agreement