18 Cotmeh 2024
2 month ago
The United States and Japan say that China seeks to reshape the international order at the expense of other countries
2 month ago
Amerîka û Japonya girtina çekan ji Koreya Bakur ji aliyê Rûsyayê ve şermezar dikin
2 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 53 km NNE of Kon Tum, Vietnam
2 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - east of the Kuril Islands
2 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 113 km NNE of Tobelo, Indonesia
Wezîrên Karên Derve yên ASEAN banga agirbestê li Şerîda Gazzeyê kirin
US State Department: Blinken raised with his Chinese counterpart during the Laos meeting human rights issues, including Tibet, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
A state of emergency has been declared in the Karabash district of the Chelyabinsk region due to a dam failure - Ministry of Emergency Situations2 month ago
A state of emergency has been declared in the Karabash district of the Chelyabinsk region due to a dam failure - Ministry of Emergency Situations
В Челябинской области, на Киалимском водохранилище прорвало плотину2 month ago
В Челябинской области, на Киалимском водохранилище прорвало плотину
Vietnam has created 692 new acres of land in the South China Sea in the last six months. Satellite imagery reveals the growing scale of Hanoi's efforts to expand its outposts in the Spratly Islands
Wezîrê Derve yê Çînê li ser Ukraynayê: Em piştevaniya bloka Ewropî dikin ku di lêkolîna mîmariya ewlekariya Ewropî ya bibandor de rola pêşengiyê bilîze.
2 month ago
Reuters: Serokê Belarusê soza berfirehkirina hevkariyê bi Koreya Bakur re dide
2 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 83 km W of Tobelo, Indonesia
U.S. Senator Marco Rubio introduced the U.S.-India Defense Cooperation Act to expand bilateral cooperation as India faces increased aggression from Beijing: statement
2 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 98 km NE of Tobelo, Indonesia
2 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.5 - 223 km NE of Lospalos, Timor Leste
2 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 231 km S of Pagar Alam, Indonesia
@NORADCommand employed a layered defense network of fighter aircraft, satellites, and ground-based and airborne radars in seamless interoperability to detect, track, and intercept two Russian TU-95 and two PRC H-6 military aircraft operating in the Alaska ADIZ on July 24, 20242 month ago
@NORADCommand employed a layered defense network of fighter aircraft, satellites, and ground-based and airborne radars in seamless interoperability to detect, track, and intercept two Russian TU-95 and two PRC H-6 military aircraft operating in the Alaska ADIZ on July 24, 2024
2 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 133 km E of Shikotan, Russia
Trilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of Russia, China and Laos
Mandalay PDF released photos of Mokot city capture battle, Nung Cho, Participated in the battles for the capture of the city of Saak Koo and now Mokok2 month ago
Mandalay PDF released photos of Mokot city capture battle, Nung Cho, Participated in the battles for the capture of the city of Saak Koo and now Mokok
Fighter jets intercepted Chinese and Russian bombers off the coast of Alaska from China and Russia, the North American Aerospace Defense Command announced Wednesday2 month ago
Fighter jets intercepted Chinese and Russian bombers off the coast of Alaska from China and Russia, the North American Aerospace Defense Command announced Wednesday
2 month ago
Because of Typhoon Gaemi 3 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today
Myanmar Han Chinese rebels seized Russian and North Korean weapons at Myanmar Junta’s outpost. A Russian-made Orlan-10E reconnaissance UAVs and 122-mm rockets made by the DPRK, which became trophies of the rebels at one of the captured government army outposts in Shan State. Export version drones were purchased by Myanmar in 2021.  Also, during the capture of the city of Sintgu, the first in the Mandalay region, in addition to weapons, control panels for UAVs and portable electronic warfare stations were captured.2 month ago
Myanmar Han Chinese rebels seized Russian and North Korean weapons at Myanmar Junta’s outpost. A Russian-made Orlan-10E reconnaissance UAVs and 122-mm rockets made by the DPRK, which became trophies of the rebels at one of the captured government army outposts in Shan State. Export version drones were purchased by Myanmar in 2021. Also, during the capture of the city of Sintgu, the first in the Mandalay region, in addition to weapons, control panels for UAVs and portable electronic warfare stations were captured.
2 month ago
After the TNLA took control of the entire Mokot township, the people welcomed the revolutionary forces in thousands
2 month ago
Pûtîn ferman da ku heta 1ê cotmehê pêşnîyarên ji bo barkirina ofîsên şîrketên dewletê ji Moskowê ber bi herêman ve werin pêşkêş kirin. Ji bo hilbijartina cihên nû ji bo bicihkirina wan, serok pêşniyar dike ku bala xwe bidin Ural, Sîbîrya û Rojhilata Dûr.
2 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - Banda Sea
Wezîrê Derve yê Ukraynayê amadebûna welatê xwe ji bo danûstandinên aştiyê ligel Rûsyayê piştrast dike, eger Mosko ji bo danûstandinan amade be.
Wezîra Derve ya Ukraynayê Kuleba: Îro emê li ser peywendiyên dualî, rojeva navneteweyî û rêya aşitiyê gotûbêjên berfireh û berçav bikin. Ez di wê baweriyê de me ku aştiyeke adil li Ukraynayê di berjewendiyên stratejîk ên Çînê de ye û rola Çînê weke hêzeke cîhanî ya aştiyê girîng e.
Wezîrê Derve yê Ukraynayê Kuleba di hevdîtina ligel hevtayê xwe yê Çînê Wang Yi de got: Êrîşên Rûsyayê ne tenê li ber pêşketina Ukraynayê asteng e. Ev jî rê li ber îstiqrara navneteweyî û pêşxistina têkiliyên cîrantiya baş digire, di nav de pêşkeftina bazirganiya di navbera Chinaîn û Ewropayê de