On Monday,@SecBlinken is to tour @HolocaustMuseum exhibit "Burma's Path to Genocide" and deliver remarks regarding Myanmar
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - Leyte, Philippines
Resident killed as suspects shoot, set fire to Agusan del Norte home
2 year agoThe pipe collapsed at a thermal power plant in Petropavlovsk
2 year agoIn joint statement, Japan PM @kishida230 & Cambodia PM HunSen called for "stop to the flow of weapon" to Myanmar & stressed need for immediate stop to violence during militarycoup. Want to see "concrete actions" to implement ASEAN 5-point consensus
2 year agoBorder guards in southern Kandahar province have arrested two men with a large number of weapons they were trying to smuggle into Pakistan, Al badr army corps media office said
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 122 km E of Yamada, Japan
North Korea has fired four rockets into the Yellow Sea
Yoon says presidential office will relocate to defense ministry compound
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 130 km E of Yamada, Japan
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - Kepulauan Tanimbar, Indonesia
ISIS attack on Taliban in Zabul; Four Taliban were killed Sources say that four Taliban were killed and one was wounded in an ISIS attack on a Taliban checkpoint in Arghandab, Zabul province. But Taliban sources told that one Taliban was killed and another wounded in the attack
The Pakistani Taliban (TTP) has claimed responsibility for allegedly killing a Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) official in the Lakki Marwat District of Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province
CRPF trooper injured in Shopian grenade attack
Karnataka reports 173 fresh #COVID19 cases, 153 recoveries, and 2 deaths, in the last 24 hours. Active cases 2,031 Positivity rate 0
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 73 km SW of Labuan, Indonesia
2 year agoMyanmar military approves sale of @Telenor_mm to Lebanese M1 group & Myanmar partner, Shwe Byain Phyu, who'll end up being the majority shareholder. Many fear this will compromise over 18 million Myanmar customers' personal data
Chinese president signs order to buy more weapons and military equipment
Four Chinese military aircraft, two fighter jets and two bombers, flew into the southwestern part of Taiwan's air defense identification zone ADIZ Saturday, the six consecutive day such incursion happened
2 year ago2 statements against Russian invasion of Ukraine handed out in front of Embassy of Russia in Bangkok during the protests on Sat. The 1st unsigned 1 by June 24 Democracy Group led by Somyot Prueksakasemsuk. 2nd by a group of Buddhist monks
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft (J-11, H-6*2 and J-16) entered #Taiwan's southwest ADIZ on March 19, 2022
2 year agoFreedom Front claims it attacked Taliban in Baghlan and Kapisa last night
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 136 km SW of Manokwari, Indonesia
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 127 km SE of Kuril’sk, Russia
Biden's call with Xi has not eased US concerns China may be willing to provide military or financial support to Russia. "We have that concern," said Jen Psaki. "The President detailed what the implications & consequences would be if China provides material support
2 year agoPresident Xi Jinping had a video call with US President Joe Biden on March 18, and they had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on ChinaUS relations, the situation in Ukraine, and other issues of mutual interest
2 year agoWhite House says President Biden in call with President Xi Jinping "described the implications and consequences if China provides material support to Russia as it conducts brutal attacks against Ukrainian cities and civilians"
Xi Jinping told Biden that the Taiwan issue needs proper handling so as not to affect Beijing's relations with Washington
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 76 km ENE of Namie, Japan
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 126 km SW of Banjar, Indonesia