19 September 2024
1 Rok Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 38 km NE of Ryōtsu-minato, Japan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - Seram, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 36 km SE of Kodāri̇̄, Nepal
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Taiwan says 10 Chinese planes crossed the middle line of the Taiwan Strait
1 Rok Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 74 km NNE of Ruteng, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 127 km ENE of Misawa, Japan
Španielsky premiér Pedro Sanchez: Ďakujem prezidentovi Si Ťin-pchingovi za jeho privítanie na tejto historickej ceste. Táto návšteva posilňuje naše bilaterálne vzťahy a posilňuje spoluprácu pri riešení rôznych globálnych výziev. Mali sme tiež úprimnú výmenu názorov o ruskej agresii proti Ukrajine.
1 Rok Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 105 km S of Nusa Dua, Indonesia
It was recently revealed that almost 400 hotels in Malaysia operate without Fire Certification as of November last year
Secretary Antony Blinken:We strongly condemn the Burma military government's decision to dissolve 40 political parties, including the National League for Democracy. Any future election without participation of all stakeholders in Burma would not represent the will of the Burmese people
1 Rok Pred
UN Human Rights Office concerned over arbitrary arrests of activists by Taliban
Predseda Európskej komisie: Vzťahy s Čínou sa budú určovať podľa jej reakcie na vývoj vo vojne na Ukrajine
1 Rok Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 98 km W of Tobelo, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 28 km NNE of Labuan Lombok, Indonesia
"Chinese leader Xi Jinping says he is preparing for war. At the annual meeting of China's parliament and its top political advisory body in March, Xi wove the theme of war readiness through four separate speeches
1 Rok Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 242 km W of Kurio, Japan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 52 km SSE of Pondaguitan, Philippines
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Halmahera, Indonesia
South Korea KF-21 Boramae advanced multirole fighter jet held its first armament test.  KF-21 Prototype No. 2 performed an armament separation test with MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile (without launch), and No. 3 conducted firing from its 20mm autocannon1 Rok Pred
South Korea KF-21 Boramae advanced multirole fighter jet held its first armament test. KF-21 Prototype No. 2 performed an armament separation test with MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile (without launch), and No. 3 conducted firing from its 20mm autocannon
Five suspected pickpockets were arrested by Manila Police District (MPD) operatives for allegedly victimizing jeepney passengers at the corner of Taft Avenue and Pablo Ocampo Street in Malate, Manila on Monday, March 27
1 Rok Pred
Prelim M6.2 Earthquake Hokkaido, Japan region Mar-28 09:18 UTC, updates
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Earthquake of magnitude 6.2 - 129 km ENE of Misawa, Japan
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#HongKong police have arrested three men over a raid on a watch store in Tsim Sha Tsui on Saturday in which goods worth more than HK$10 million were stolen
1 Rok Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 17 km W of Pasuquin, Philippines
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 106 km NE of Luwuk, Indonesia
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A heavily armed former student killed three young children and three staff in what appeared to be a carefully planned attack at a private elementary school in Nashville on Monday, before being shot dead by police
A heavily-armed former student killed three young children and three staff in what appeared to be a carefully planned attack at a private elementary school in Nashville on Monday, before being shot dead by police
1 Rok Pred
A U.S. aircraft carrier has visited South Korean waters to participate in joint drills. The nuclear-powered USS Nimitz arrives as North Korea continues to test missiles and slam Washington and Seoul's military exercises
1 Rok Pred
At least six civilians were dead and several others, including three Taliban forces, were wounded in a blast near the Taliban's ministry of foreign affairs in Kabul on Monday's afternoon, the Taliban police in Kabul confirmed
Päť štátov disponujúcich jadrovými zbraňami vydalo v januári 2022 spoločné vyhlásenie o predchádzaní jadrovej vojne, povedal čínsky hovorca FM Mao Ning, keď bol požiadaný o komentár k správam v médiách, podľa ktorých Rusko rozmiestni v Bielorusku taktické jadrové zbrane.