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michal beit halachmi????️ reposted
Indo-Pacific News - Geo-Politics & Defense
Philippines dismisses 'absurd Chinese online claims about Palawan Island
The spotlight on Philippine social media has turned to Palawan amid growing chatter by Chinese internet users claiming that the island is part of China, prompting officials in Manila to refute the allegations as "delusional" and part of a "propaganda" push.
China: The fentanyl issue is a flimsy excuse to raise U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports. Our countermeasures to defend our rights and interests are fully legitimate and necessary. The U.S., not anyone else, is responsible for the #FentanylCrisis inside the U.S. In the spirit of humanity and goodwill towards the American people, we have taken robust steps to assist the U.S. in dealing with the issue. Instead of recognizing our efforts, the U.S. has sought to smear and shift blame to China, and is seeking to pressure and blackmail China with tariff hikes. They’ve been PUNISHING us for helping them. This is not going to solve the U.S.’s problem and will undermine our counternarcotics dialogue and cooperation. Intimidation does not scare us. Bullying does not work on us. Pressuring, coercion or threats are not the right way of dealing with China. Anyone using maximum pressure on China is picking the wrong guy and miscalculating. If the U.S. truly wants to solve the fentanyl issue, then the right thing to do is to consult with China by treating each other as equals. If war is what the U.S. wants, be it a tariff war, a trade war or any other type of war, we’re ready to fight till the end.
Trump on relocating chips manufacturing to the US: "It will at least give us a position where we have in this very very important business, we would have a very big part of it in the US if something should happen with Taiwan."
Исполняющий обязанности президента Южной Кореи Чхве Сан Мок заявил, что сотрудничество Японии и Южной Кореи абсолютно необходимо после встречи Трампа и Зеленского в Белом доме