19 Септембар 2024
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 190 km SSW of Severo-Kuril’sk, Russia
11 месец Пре
Indonesian Foreign Minister: The Gulf states and ASEAN support the two-state solution in Palestine
11 месец Пре
Indonesian Foreign Minister: ASEAN and Gulf leaders support a peaceful solution in Palestine
11 месец Пре
Indonesian Foreign Minister: The ASEAN group and the Gulf states stressed their condemnation of the attacks on Gaza
11 месец Пре
Indonesian Foreign Minister: ASEAN-Gulf Summit leaders expressed concern about the escalation of violence in Gaza
11 месец Пре
Ahmedabad, Gujarat: On the arrest of a Pakistani spy, Gujarat ATS SP Om Prakash Jat says, "Gujarat ATS received input from the military intelligence that a Pakistani army or a Pakistan agent is using WhatsApp on an Indian SIM Card. He was sending Remote Access Trojan
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 128 km ENE of Masohi, Indonesia
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - Seram, Indonesia
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 186 km WSW of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 5.9 - 24 km WSW of Batiano, Philippines
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 117 km WSW of Abepura, Indonesia
The Russian Foreign Minister met in Pyongyang with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, and denounced the dangerous US policy towards the Asian country, a nuclear power11 месец Пре
The Russian Foreign Minister met in Pyongyang with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, and denounced the "dangerous" US policy towards the Asian country, a nuclear power
11 месец Пре
China’s nuclear arsenal is growing faster than expected & is “on track to exceed previous projections "The annual @DeptofDefense China Military Power report says Biejing has 500 operational nuclear warheads in its arsenal & will have more than 1,000 by 2030
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 78 km SSW of Banjar, Indonesia
11 месец Пре
The Indian Prime Minister, during a phone call with the Palestinian President, confirms his country's commitment to a long-term solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
India plans to equip Russian-origin Su-30MKIs with indigenous 'Virupaaksha' radar11 месец Пре
India plans to equip Russian-origin Su-30MKIs with indigenous 'Virupaaksha' radar
11 месец Пре
После почетка руског рата против Украјине, Казахстан је ограничио извоз 106 војних роба у Русију, укључујући дронове, чипове, специјализовану електронику и друге производе, – рекао је заменик министра трговине и интеграција Каират Торебајев.
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - south of Java, Indonesia
11 месец Пре
Chinese President: The war between Israel and Hamas must be stopped as soon as possible to avoid expanding the scope of the conflict
11 месец Пре
The Chinese President: The basic path to resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is to implement the two-state solution
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - Izu Islands, Japan region
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - Izu Islands, Japan region
11 месец Пре
Chinese Foreign Minister: The value of trade contracts signed at the Belt and Road Forum amounts to 97.2 billion US dollars
11 месец Пре
MIRV-capable missile test: Pakistan conducts successful flight test of ‘Ababeel’ weapon system
11 месец Пре
Путин: Авиони са ракетама Кинжал патролирају ваздушним простором изнад Црног мора, као одговор на ситуацију у Средоземном мору
11 месец Пре
Putin says the independent Palestine is the only way for longlasting peace, and it was always Russia's stance
11 месец Пре
Putin talked with Xi on "fully confidential topics"
11 месец Пре
The Russian Foreign Minister arrives in North Korea on an official visit
11 месец Пре
Putin-Xi talks ended in Beijing
11 месец Пре
Chinese President: China is trying to establish itself as a central country through modernity and contemporaneity