19 Septembrie 2024
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 135 km NE of Lospalos, Timor Leste
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 52 km NW of Novobod, Tajikistan
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 105 km ESE of Maumere, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.9 - 51 km NNW of Novobod, Tajikistan
A drunk man who fled allegedly after failing to settle his bill at a bar in Cubao, Quezon City, was arrested when the car he was driving hit several vehicles on city roads on Monday, March 20
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T-54/55 au fost retrase din depozit și trimise spre vest de la baza 1295-a centrală de reparații și depozitare a tancurilor, Arseniev, regiunea Primorsky. Modelatorii de tancuri, bucurați-vă: am obținut fotografii exclusive ale T-54/ învechite (mijlocul secolului al XX-lea) 55 de tancuri transportate cu un tren spre vest din depozitele strategice din Orientul Îndepărtat al Rusiei. Presupunem că poate indica probleme de aprovizionare cu armuri în armata rusă
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 - 118 km NE of Miyako, Japan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - Mindanao, Philippines
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 104 km S of Yudomari, Japan
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A 6.8 magnitude earthquake has struck Afghanistan, with tremors felt across India and Pakistan
A massive 7.7 earthquake strikes Pakistan & parts of India.  Earthquake1 an înapoi
A massive 7.7 earthquake strikes Pakistan & parts of India. Earthquake
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A strong earthquake was felt in Pakistan's capital Islamabad and other parts of the country
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Preliminary 7.7M earthquake strikes Pakistan
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6.5 magnitude earthquake. 40 km from Jurm, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
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Earthquake of magnitude 6.5 - 40 km SSE of Jurm, Afghanistan
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Khamenei: The Islamic Republic has also made progress in foreign relations. The US and Europeans pushed to isolate Iran. But what they did gave the opposite result. Yes, our relations with Westerners were weakened, but relations with Asia became 100% stronger
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Xi Jinping: privind reglementarea ucraineană, Beijingul este ghidat de obiectivele și principiile Cartei ONU, aderă la o poziție obiectivă
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Putin: Xi Jinping a acordat o mare atenție inițiativei sale de pace din Ucraina în timpul unei întâlniri tête-à-tête de luni
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All agreements with Mongolia on "Power of Siberia-2" reached - Putin
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Putin: Rusia este pregătită să crească aprovizionarea neîntreruptă cu petrol către China, aprovizionarea rusească cu GNL către China se va extinde
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3 men arrested after brawl at Lucky Plaza
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 112 km NE of Tobelo, Indonesia
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The United States will stand with Taiwan in the event of a military attack by China and along with its partners "secure peace through strength," former U.S. national security adviser Robert C. O'Brien said in Taipei on Tuesday
Video: Imran Khan, former Pakistan PM, shared videos from outside a judicial building, saying there was a plan to "eliminate me by staging a mock fight & pretending my death was an accident," but "Allah, the Greatest Protector, had other plans
Premierul japonez Kishida Fumio @kishida230 vizitează Ucraina1 an înapoi
Premierul japonez Kishida Fumio @kishida230 vizitează Ucraina
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - Kuril Islands
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 55 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan
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SCDF officers rescue two workers stranded on 40th floor of Capital Tower
.@SecBlinken despre încheierea războiului nedrept al Rusiei împotriva Ucrainei: Dacă China se angajează să sprijine încheierea războiului pe baza principiilor Cartei @ONU, așa cum se solicită la punctul unu al planului său, se poate implica cu @ZelenskyyUa și Ucraina pe această bază
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Kazahstanul și-a trimis pentru prima dată petrolul în Azerbaidjan prin Marea Caspică