19 September 2024
L'accordo firmato da Russia e Corea del Nord prevede la fornitura di assistenza reciproca in caso di aggressione contro una delle parti dell'accordo, - ha affermato Putin
Putin afferma che la Russianon esclude la cooperazione tecnico-militare con la Corea del Nord
Putin, Kim sign comprehensive strategic partnership agreement
Putin e Kim Jong-un si sono incontrati a Pyongyang
"Se loro (Russia/Cina/Corea del Nord/Iran) riusciranno ad avere successo in Ucraina, noi saremo più vulnerabili e il mondo più pericoloso," - dice il capo della NATO @jensstltenberg. "Quindi il nostro sostegno all'Ucraina non è beneficenza; è nel nostro interesse per la sicurezza".
Il capo della NATO @jensstltenberg dopo i colloqui con Blinken questo pomeriggio: "La guerra della Russia in Ucraina è un brutale assalto a una nazione democratica e pacifica. Questa guerra è sostenuta da Cina, Corea del Nord e Iran. Vogliono vedere gli Stati Uniti fallire. Vogliono voglio vedere la NATO fallire"
3 month ago
Kim Jong-un personally met Putin as he landed in Pyongyang
Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri russo, in coordinamento con gli organi e le organizzazioni federali competenti, ha firmato un accordo di partenariato strategico globale con la Corea del Nord
3 month ago
Mine explosions have killed North Korean soldiers on the DMZ
3 month ago
Another source told GMA Integrated News that four Philippine RHIBs were “hostaged” by China but were later released following negotiations
Gli Stati Uniti "preoccupati" per legami più stretti tra Russia e Corea del Nord: Casa Bianca
"We are sanctioning key actors, including some based in the PRC, who have enabled Houthi forces to generate revenue & acquire a range of materials needed to manufacture the advanced weaponry they use to conduct ongoing terrorist attacks" per @StateDeptSpox Matthew Miller
L'Occidente dovrebbe "imporre un costo" alla Cina se continua a sostenere la Russia: il capo della NATO
China accuses Philippine supply ship of hitting Chinese vessel in South China Sea
The Philippines says Chinese ships collided with its boats and damaged them
Myanmar : the United League of Arakan, political wing of the Arakan Army, has publish a statement, declaring that the battle for Maungdaw is imminent. The ULA calls on civilians to leave the city and on junta forces to surrender3 month ago
Myanmar : the United League of Arakan, political wing of the Arakan Army, has publish a statement, declaring that the battle for Maungdaw is imminent. The ULA calls on civilians to leave the city and on junta forces to surrender
Myanmar : PDF resistance forces launched a successful attack in the village of Htee Taw Tin, north of Monywa. The resistance seized a junta base and managed to take five soldiers captive
3 month ago
Il Primo Ministro indiano Narendra Modi ha avuto un incontro bilaterale con il Presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelenskyy a margine del vertice del G7, in Italia
Former chairman of the Democratic Party of Tajikistan Saidjafar Usmonzoda was arrested in connection with the violent seizure of power
Il capo della NATO afferma che la cooperazione Pyongyang-Mosca è motivo di crescente preoccupazione. "Abbiamo visto migliaia di container caricati sui vagoni ferroviari della Corea del Nord e trasportati direttamente in Russia, in prima linea in Ucraina, più di 1 milione di colpi di artiglieria", ha detto
3 month ago
Presidente Zelenskyj: Il primo ministro giapponese Fumio Kishida @kishida230 e io abbiamo appena firmato un accordo di sicurezza tra Ucraina e Giappone. Un documento unico con uno dei Paesi economicamente e tecnologicamente più avanzati al mondo
Alcune banche del Kirghizistan sospendono le operazioni con la Russia
23 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 19 of the aircraft crossed the median line of Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's SW and eastern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly3 month ago
23 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 19 of the aircraft crossed the median line of Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's SW and eastern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly
3 month ago
Putin likely to visit North Korea 'in a few days': presidential office
3 month ago
Prime Minister @narendramodi holds a meeting to review the situation relating to the fire incident in Kuwait after returning from Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. 40 Indian nationals have been killed in Kuwait fire and 30 injured
11 PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 7 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern and southwestern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly3 month ago
11 PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 7 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern and southwestern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly
Yonhap: North Korea is moving to install loudspeakers on the border to broadcast propaganda against Seoul
BRICS foreign ministers meet begins in Russia. India is represented by MEA's secretary Economic Relations Dammu Ravi3 month ago
BRICS foreign ministers meet begins in Russia. India is represented by MEA's secretary Economic Relations Dammu Ravi
3 month ago
South Korea will resume today loudspeaker broadcasts at the border directed at North Korea in response to the resumption of the trash balloons
Chinese Ministry of Defense: We reject and strongly oppose the sale of American weapons to Taiwan