9 Studeni 2024
Sporazum koji su potpisale Rusija i DNRK predviđa pružanje uzajamne pomoći u slučaju agresije na jednu od strana sporazuma - rekao je Putin
Putin kaže da Rusija ne isključuje vojno-tehničku suradnju sa Sjevernom Korejom
Putin, Kim sign comprehensive strategic partnership agreement
Putin i Kim Jong-un sastali su se u Pjongjangu
"Ako oni (Rusija/Kina/Sjeverna Koreja/Iran) uspiju u Ukrajini, to će nas učiniti ranjivijim, a svijet opasnijim", kaže @jensstltenberg, šef NATO-a. "Dakle, naša potpora Ukrajini nije milosrđe; to je u našem sigurnosnom interesu."
@Šef NATO-a @jensstltenberg nakon razgovora s Blinkenom ovog poslijepodneva: "Ruski rat u Ukrajini brutalan je napad na miroljubivu demokratsku naciju. Ovaj rat podupiru Kina, Sjeverna Koreja i Iran. Oni žele vidjeti neuspjeh SAD-a. Oni želim vidjeti neuspjeh NATO-a"
4 mjesec pre
Kim Jong-un personally met Putin as he landed in Pyongyang
Rusko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova, u koordinaciji s relevantnim saveznim tijelima i organizacijama, potpisalo je Sveobuhvatni sporazum o strateškom partnerstvu sa Sjevernom Korejom
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Mine explosions have killed North Korean soldiers on the DMZ
4 mjesec pre
Another source told GMA Integrated News that four Philippine RHIBs were “hostaged” by China but were later released following negotiations
Bijela kuća: SAD 'zabrinut' zbog bližih veza između Rusije i Sjeverne Koreje
"We are sanctioning key actors, including some based in the PRC, who have enabled Houthi forces to generate revenue & acquire a range of materials needed to manufacture the advanced weaponry they use to conduct ongoing terrorist attacks" per @StateDeptSpox Matthew Miller
Zapad bi trebao 'nametnuti trošak' Kini ako nastavi podržavati Rusiju: šef NATO-a
China accuses Philippine supply ship of hitting Chinese vessel in South China Sea
The Philippines says Chinese ships collided with its boats and damaged them
Myanmar : the United League of Arakan, political wing of the Arakan Army, has publish a statement, declaring that the battle for Maungdaw is imminent. The ULA calls on civilians to leave the city and on junta forces to surrender4 mjesec pre
Myanmar : the United League of Arakan, political wing of the Arakan Army, has publish a statement, declaring that the battle for Maungdaw is imminent. The ULA calls on civilians to leave the city and on junta forces to surrender
Myanmar : PDF resistance forces launched a successful attack in the village of Htee Taw Tin, north of Monywa. The resistance seized a junta base and managed to take five soldiers captive
4 mjesec pre
Premijer Indije Narendra Modi održao je bilateralni sastanak s predsjednikom Ukrajine Volodymyr Zelenskyy na marginama summita G7, u Italiji
Former chairman of the Democratic Party of Tajikistan Saidjafar Usmonzoda was arrested in connection with the violent seizure of power
Šef NATO-a kaže da suradnja Pjongjanga i Moskve izaziva sve veću zabrinutost. "Vidjeli smo 1000 kontejnera utovarenih na željezničke vagone u Sjevernoj Koreji i transportiranih izravno u Rusiju, na bojišnicu u Ukrajini, više od milijun granata topništva", rekao je.
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Predsjednik Zelensky: Japanski premijer Fumio Kishida @kishida230 i ja smo upravo potpisali sigurnosni sporazum između Ukrajine i Japana. Jedinstveni dokument s jednom od ekonomski i tehnološki najnaprednijih zemalja svijeta
Neke banke u Kirgistanu obustavljaju poslovanje s Rusijom
23 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 19 of the aircraft crossed the median line of Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's SW and eastern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly4 mjesec pre
23 PLA aircraft and 7 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 19 of the aircraft crossed the median line of Taiwan Strait and entered Taiwan's SW and eastern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly
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Putin likely to visit North Korea 'in a few days': presidential office
5 mjesec pre
Prime Minister @narendramodi holds a meeting to review the situation relating to the fire incident in Kuwait after returning from Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. 40 Indian nationals have been killed in Kuwait fire and 30 injured
11 PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 7 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern and southwestern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly5 mjesec pre
11 PLA aircraft and 8 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 7 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern and southwestern ADIZ. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and responded accordingly
Yonhap: North Korea is moving to install loudspeakers on the border to broadcast propaganda against Seoul
BRICS foreign ministers meet begins in Russia. India is represented by MEA's secretary Economic Relations Dammu Ravi5 mjesec pre
BRICS foreign ministers meet begins in Russia. India is represented by MEA's secretary Economic Relations Dammu Ravi
5 mjesec pre
South Korea will resume today loudspeaker broadcasts at the border directed at North Korea in response to the resumption of the trash balloons
Chinese Ministry of Defense: We reject and strongly oppose the sale of American weapons to Taiwan