19 ოქტომბერი 2024
Myanmar Han Chinese rebels seized Russian and North Korean weapons at Myanmar Junta’s outpost. A Russian-made Orlan-10E reconnaissance UAVs and 122-mm rockets made by the DPRK, which became trophies of the rebels at one of the captured government army outposts in Shan State. Export version drones were purchased by Myanmar in 2021.  Also, during the capture of the city of Sintgu, the first in the Mandalay region, in addition to weapons, control panels for UAVs and portable electronic warfare stations were captured.1 თვის წინ
Myanmar Han Chinese rebels seized Russian and North Korean weapons at Myanmar Junta’s outpost. A Russian-made Orlan-10E reconnaissance UAVs and 122-mm rockets made by the DPRK, which became trophies of the rebels at one of the captured government army outposts in Shan State. Export version drones were purchased by Myanmar in 2021. Also, during the capture of the city of Sintgu, the first in the Mandalay region, in addition to weapons, control panels for UAVs and portable electronic warfare stations were captured.
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After the TNLA took control of the entire Mokot township, the people welcomed the revolutionary forces in thousands
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პუტინმა ბრძანა წინადადებების წარდგენა მოსკოვიდან რეგიონებში სახელმწიფო კომპანიების ოფისების გადატანის შესახებ 1 ოქტომბრამდე. რაც შეეხება მათი განლაგების ახალი ადგილების არჩევას, პრეზიდენტი გვთავაზობს ყურადღება მიაქციოს ურალს, ციმბირს და შორეულ აღმოსავლეთს.
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - Banda Sea
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უკრაინის საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრი ადასტურებს თავისი ქვეყნის მზადყოფნას რუსეთთან სამშვიდობო მოლაპარაკებებისთვის, თუ მოსკოვი მზად იქნება მოლაპარაკებებისთვის.
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უკრაინის საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრი კულება: დღეს ჩვენ გავმართავთ საფუძვლიან და შინაარსობრივ მოლაპარაკებებს ორმხრივ ურთიერთობებზე, საერთაშორისო დღის წესრიგზე და მშვიდობის გზაზე. დარწმუნებული ვარ, რომ უკრაინაში სამართლიანი მშვიდობა ჩინეთის სტრატეგიულ ინტერესებში შედის და ჩინეთის, როგორც მშვიდობის გლობალური ძალის როლი მნიშვნელოვანია.
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უკრაინის საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრი კულება ჩინელ კოლეგასთან ვანგ იის შეხვედრისას: რუსული აგრესია დაბრკოლებაა არა მხოლოდ უკრაინის განვითარებისთვის. ეს ასევე ხელს უშლის საერთაშორისო სტაბილურობას და კეთილმეზობლური ურთიერთობების განვითარებას, მათ შორის ჩინეთსა და ევროპას შორის ვაჭრობის განვითარებას
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The Philippines announces reaching a joint understanding with China to ease tensions in the South China Sea
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South Korea summons defense attache in U.S. for probe over alleged 'inappropriate' conduct
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 18 km NE of Kupang, Indonesia
Nepal plane crash CCTV - 18 People including crews are dead.
Moment of Crash- - 18 People including crews are dead. -According to local news. Pilot admitted in KMC Sinamangal Hospital in Kathmandu.
Saurya Airlines aircraft crashes during takeoff in Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu. 19 people were aboard the Pokhara-bound plane
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North Korea again sends trash-carrying balloons into South Korea: JCS
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Taiwan Ministry of Defense: 22 PLA aircraft, 9 PLAN vessels and 1 official ship operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. 12 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's southwestern ADIZ
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 192 km N of Dili, Timor Leste
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 164 km WSW of Abepura, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 33 km SSW of Liupanshui, China
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It's being reported that 300 Myanmar junta soldiers surrendered to the MNDAA in the city of Lashio today, as heavy fighting continues around the city in northern Shan state
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - northwest of the Kuril Islands
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უკრაინის საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრი: ჩემი ვიზიტი ჩინეთში მიზნად ისახავს განიხილოს სამართლიანი მშვიდობის მიღწევის გზები
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უკრაინის საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრი: კიევისა და პეკინისთვის მნიშვნელოვანია პირდაპირი დიალოგი
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European Union Foreign Policy Representative: The Fatah-Hamas agreement in China is a prominent development that must be supported
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Bangladesh to restore broadband internet Tuesday, AFP reported citing the minister
Navy chief Admiral DK Tripathi heads to Mumbai to take stock of the INS Brahmaputra warship accident. 1 sailor missing since the sinking hasn't been traced1 თვის წინ
Navy chief Admiral DK Tripathi heads to Mumbai to take stock of the INS Brahmaputra warship accident. 1 sailor missing since the sinking hasn't been traced
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Chinese Foreign Ministry: The Beijing Declaration included agreement on the unity of all factions within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization
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Chinese Foreign Ministry: We presented a three-step initiative regarding the conflict in Gaza that ends with full membership for Palestine in the United Nations
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 32 km SW of Tobelo, Indonesia
Hamas says it has signed an agreement in Beijing to work with other Palestinian groups towards “national unity”. Chinese officials said the factions, including Fatah, had agreed to set up an interim reconciliation gov't for post-war Gaza1 თვის წინ
Hamas says it has signed an agreement in Beijing to work with other Palestinian groups towards “national unity”. Chinese officials said the factions, including Fatah, had agreed to set up an interim reconciliation gov't for post-war Gaza
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Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah sign declaration in Beijing on ending yearslong rift, as war in Gaza rages on, Chinese state media says
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Chinese media: Leaders from Fatah and Hamas will meet with journalists in Beijing in the presence of the Chinese Foreign Minister
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 50 km N of Tuapejat, Indonesia
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 54 km ESE of Onagawa Chō, Japan
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The Japanese government has created a nationwide television broadcast advising civilians on how to protect themselves in the event of a North Korean missile attack.