19 Septembre 2024
Une attaque terroriste a été déjouée dans la région de Stavropol, trois citoyens de pays d'Asie centrale ont été arrêtés, rapporte le FSB.
5 mois il y a
Yoon approves resignation of ambassador to Australia amid controversy over his appointment
North Korean Foreign Minister: We will respond strictly to any Japanese interference in our sovereignty
Le chef du renseignement extérieur russe Narychkine s'est rendu en RPDC
Russia is shipping oil to North Korea in full defiance of UN sanctions
6 mois il y a
Poutine s'est entretenu avec Tokaïev, le président du Kazakhstan a souligné qu'il condamnait fermement l'attaque terroriste de Crocus et a transmis des mots de sympathie et de soutien au Kremlin.
6 mois il y a
Russia and China veto US resolution for truce in Gaza in the Security Council
6 mois il y a
China's representative in the Security Council: There is an alternative draft resolution that achieves balance, proposed by several countries, and we support it
Le représentant spécial de la Chine pour les affaires eurasiennes, Li Hui, a exprimé le soutien de la Chine à une conférence de paix internationale impliquant la Russie et l'Ukraine sur un pied d'égalité. Li a souligné que la Chine était prête à accepter tout ce qui contribuerait à la désescalade et aux négociations. La Chine a soumis des propositions pour assurer le succès de la conférence de paix prévue par la Suisse cet été
6 mois il y a
Taiwan Ministry of Defense: Overall 20 PLA aircraft in various types (including Su-30, Y-8, UAVs, etc.) were detected from 1930 hr today. Out of which, 9 crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait and entered the north, central and south parts of Taiwan’s ADIZ in conducting joint combat patrol
6 mois il y a
Pakistani Defense Minister: We are not looking for a conflict with the Taliban, and we do not want to enter Afghanistan
6 mois il y a
Taiwan detects 32 Chinese warplanes around island in 24 hours, defence ministry says
US Department of State: We condemn Burma’s military government’s implementation of a new law to forcibly conscript young people into military service. This complicates steps towards peace & comes two years after @SecBlinken determined the government committed genocide & crimes against humanity against Rohingya
6 mois il y a
South Korea, U.S. agree to form consultative body to address North Korea's oil smuggling
China on Wednesday dismissed the responses of countries that have criticised Hong Kong's new national security law, commonly referred to as Article 23. "All attacks and smears will never succeed and are doomed to fail," foreign ministry spokesman says
6 mois il y a
Hong Kong passes tough security law, which authorities say is needed for stability but critics fear will further erode civil rights
6 mois il y a
Reuters : Poutine se rendra en Chine en mai prochain
China says US has 'no right' to interfere in South China Sea
Pakistani Army: Militants carried out an armed attack on March 16 on an army site, taking up positions to protect them in Afghanistan
Kabul announces the killing of eight people in Pakistani strikes on eastern Afghanistan
6 mois il y a
North Korea launches apparent ballistic missile, Japan Defense Ministry says
6 mois il y a
Resistance forces belonging to the Arakan Army (AA) have seized control of the town of Rathedaung in northern Rakhine state. The AA committed itself to fully capturing Maungdaw, Rathedaung and Buthidaung these days
6 mois il y a
An Indian media outlet reported that at least 5 international students from African countries, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan were injured when a violent crowd stormed a hostel at Gujarat University in Ahmedebad while the students were praying, the report says
6 mois il y a
Somali official: The Indian Navy liberates the ship MV Ruin and arrests 35 pirates
The US Ambassador to Beijing: China's position on banning TikTok is ridiculous
352-65-1: The House overwhelmingly passes a bill to effectively ban TikTok in the U.S. unless its China-based parent company, ByteDance, sells the social media platform. Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) voted "present." The bill faces an uncertain path in the Senate
President of Kazakhstan Tokayev paid a two-day state visit to Azerbaijan. Visited Shusha in Nagorno-Karabakh, noted that Karabakh will bloom with new colors, and the restoration of the region's infrastructure will contribute to the development of the entire South Caucasus
6 mois il y a
South Korea Defense chief calls for capabilities to 'swiftly eliminate' North Korea leadership in event of war
Renseignement américain : nous n'excluons pas que la Chine utilise délibérément TikTok pour influencer les élections américaines
"La Chine surveille également ce qui se passe ici" selon Haines de @ODNIgov "Si la Chine voit. S'ils voient cette détermination s'affaiblir et notre incapacité à maintenir l'aide, ce sera une leçon qu'ils vont apprendre pour l'avenir, pour leur propres efforts d'affirmation de soi"