19 Září 2024
6 měsíc Před
Severní Korea poslala do Ruska 6700 kontejnerů s municí, uvedl jihokorejský ministr obrany. Kontejnery mohly nést více než 3 miliony 152 mm dělostřeleckých granátů nebo 500 000 nábojů ráže 122 mm. Výměnou za to Severní Korea obdržela asi 9 000 kontejnerů většinou obsahujících zásoby potravin, což podle něj pomohlo stabilizovat tamní ceny. Ukrajina již identifikovala několik severokorejské munice na bojišti, ale uvedla, že většina z nich byla nepřesná
Satellite photos capture China's floating barrier, which restricts indigenous Philippines fishermen's access to Scarborough Shoal & threatens their food security-all while China's industrial & illegal clam harvesters systematically destroy the shoal's fragile ecosystem. Satellite images reveal floating barrier at mouth of disputed atoll in South China Sea6 měsíc Před
Satellite photos capture China's floating barrier, which restricts indigenous Philippines fishermen's access to Scarborough Shoal & threatens their food security-all while China's industrial & illegal clam harvesters systematically destroy the shoal's fragile ecosystem. Satellite images reveal floating barrier at mouth of disputed atoll in South China Sea
China sends warships to Middle East as Houthi Red Sea attacks increase
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and employed appropriate forces to respond6 měsíc Před
Taiwan Ministry of Defense:4 PLA aircraft and 4 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC 8) today. ROCArmedForces have monitored the situation and employed appropriate forces to respond
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Aircraft with the U.S. Air Force are current Investigating an Unidentified High-Altitude Balloon which has been Detected and Tracked entering the Northwestern United States; the Balloon is determined to not be a Threat, but its Origin and Purpose are Unknown
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Pakistan's representative before the International Court of Justice: Negotiations and solutions should be consistent with international law
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China's envoy to the Security Council: The establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state must be guaranteed
Nuclear-capable B-52 bomber flies with Philippine fighters over the South China Sea in signal to China7 měsíc Před
Nuclear-capable B-52 bomber flies with Philippine fighters over the South China Sea in signal to China
US steps up wording on Pakistan internet disruptions. "We continue to call on Pakistan to respect freedom of expression and restore access to social media that has been restricted including Twitter, now known as X," @StateDeptSpox says
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EU se zaměřuje na čínské firmy a Severní Koreu v rámci nového balíčku sankcí k výročí války na Ukrajině
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Canada: China should play a role in maintaining the security of the Red Sea
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Tajikistan: The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs called the explosion in Kulyab a terrorist attack
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Z kosmodromu Bajkonur odstartovala nosná raketa Sojuz-2.1a s transportní nákladní lodí Progress MS-26.
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Kazakhstan just announced that they will be compensating oil over production within the next 4 months - energy ministry
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AFP: An agreement to form a government coalition in Pakistan, excluding Imran Khan's party
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Indian police fire tear gas as protesting farmers march to capital
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China urges Israel to stop its military operation in Rafah "as soon as possible"
Taiwan's defense ministry says that it detected 8 Chinese balloons crossing the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the second day in a row that it detected large numbers of balloons crossing the Strait7 měsíc Před
Taiwan's defense ministry says that it detected 8 Chinese balloons crossing the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the second day in a row that it detected large numbers of balloons crossing the Strait
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Imran Khan's party: We will organize protests tomorrow if the final results do not appear tonight
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Výpadek proudu ve Stepnogorsku
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Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif wins the general elections
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Massive protest erupts in Pakistan against rigging. After elections, these protests can intensify, as there were reportedly 2 dead and 11 injured during the protest at Shangla
Iran’s DepFM @Bagheri_Kani and China’s Vice FM Ma Zhaoxu met in Beijing on Thursday. Iranian diplomat said Iran values the maritime security in the Red Sea, and thinks that only a resolution of Gaza conflict can bring back stability to the Red Sea7 měsíc Před
Iran’s DepFM @Bagheri_Kani and China’s Vice FM Ma Zhaoxu met in Beijing on Thursday. Iranian diplomat said Iran values the maritime security in the Red Sea, and thinks that only a resolution of Gaza conflict can bring back stability to the Red Sea
7 měsíc Před
Náměstek ruského ministra zahraničí: Rusko je přesvědčeno, že všechny finanční transakce a platební problémy s Čínou budou vyřešeny, omezení uvalená čínskými bankami jsou dočasná kvůli obavám ze sankcí
7 měsíc Před
North Korean leader: My country will eliminate its enemies if they use force against it
Americký Senát podporuje procedurální hlasování o prosazení návrhu zákona s pomocí pro Ukrajinu, Izrael a Tchaj-wan bez ustanovení o hranicích. 67-32 hlasů. To umožňuje Senátu přistoupit k dalšímu kroku
Senát USA dosáhl 60 hlasů pro podporu zahájení prací na návrhu zákona o zahraniční pomoci
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Putin a Si Ťin-pching měli telefonát
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Pakistani media: Internet and mobile phone services suspended with the start of parliamentary elections
Rusko dnes proti Charkovu použilo severokorejskou střelu Hvason 11GA(KN-23).7 měsíc Před
Rusko dnes proti Charkovu použilo severokorejskou střelu Hvason 11GA(KN-23).