19 Септември 2024
Pakistan: A pro-TTP channel reports that a policeman was shot dead by a TTP militant last night in the Chowk Misri Shah area of Lahore, in Punjab province. This is the 2nd attack that has occurred in Lahore district in the last 72 hours that targeted policemen & both were claimed by the pro-TTP channel. NOTE: The photo (below) was shared by the pro-TTP channel4 месец назад
Pakistan: A pro-TTP channel reports that a policeman was shot dead by a TTP militant last night in the Chowk Misri Shah area of Lahore, in Punjab province. This is the 2nd attack that has occurred in Lahore district in the last 72 hours that targeted policemen & both were claimed by the pro-TTP channel. NOTE: The photo (below) was shared by the pro-TTP channel
4 месец назад
A 6.9 magnitude earthquake occurred in Bonin Islands, Japan region.
4 месец назад
Taiwan hit by several earthquakes, strongest reaching 6.1-magnitude
4 месец назад
An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale strikes Taiwan
4 месец назад
Chinese Defense Minister: We will continue to strengthen the partnership between Moscow and Beijing in the military field
4 месец назад
The Chinese President meets the US Secretary of State in Beijing
Iran’s deputy foreign minister Ali Bagheri met China president’s special envoy in Moscow4 месец назад
Iran’s deputy foreign minister Ali Bagheri met China president’s special envoy in Moscow
4 месец назад
Iran and China defense ministers met in Kazakhstan on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s meeting
4 месец назад
Chinese President to Blinken: We hope that the United States will adopt a positive view of China's development
4 месец назад
The US Secretary of State says he held "extensive and constructive" talks with his Chinese counterpart
4 месец назад
China's foreign minister on Friday urged visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to address rising disagreements or risk a "downward spiral" between the two powers after months of efforts to ease tensions
4 месец назад
TikTok's owner ByteDance would prefer to 'shut down' its app in the US rather than sell it if all legal options are exhausted - Reuters
4 месец назад
Кораб, свързан с оръжейни доставки от Северна Корея за Русия, е акостирал в Китай: Държавният департамент
4 месец назад
Two Kyrgyzstanis accused of creating terrorist association in GermanyAccording to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Germany, the accused were in contact with the terrorist group Wilayat Khorasan
4 месец назад
The Chinese Army: We are ready to work with all countries to enhance communication and trust and play a positive role in building a safe maritime society
South Korea's Hanwha to supply more rocket launchers to Poland for $1.64 bln4 месец назад
South Korea's Hanwha to supply more rocket launchers to Poland for $1.64 bln
4 месец назад
The US Secretary of State arrives in Beijing for talks with senior Chinese officials
4 месец назад
TikTok CEO: We will fight against the American ban in the courts
4 месец назад
Байдън, коментирайки закона за помощта за Израел и Украйна: Това ще направи Америка и света по-безопасни и трябва да действаме бързо
4 месец назад
Президентът на САЩ подписва закона за националната сигурност за оказване на помощ на Украйна и Израел
Британският външен министър Дейвид Камерън пристигна в Астана4 месец назад
Британският външен министър Дейвид Камерън пристигна в Астана
4 месец назад
.@SecBlinken has arrived in Shanghai - the first of two stops on his China trip
4 месец назад
South Korea's nanosatellite makes successful communication with ground station
The Philippines bars its seafarers from being deployed to passenger and cruise vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. These two areas have been the site of violence amid conflict in the region, with at least two OFWs killed so far4 месец назад
The Philippines bars its seafarers from being deployed to passenger and cruise vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. These two areas have been the site of violence amid conflict in the region, with at least two OFWs killed so far
4 месец назад
US Senate approves bill banning TikTok unless Chinese owner ByteDance sells platform
4 месец назад
Сенатът прие допълнителния законопроект за национална сигурност от 95 милиарда долара, включително военна помощ за Украйна, Израел и Тайван, 79-18. До бюрото на Байдън
4 месец назад
Пакет от помощ на САЩ на стойност 95 милиарда долара за Украйна, Израел и Тайван получава достатъчно гласове в Сената, за да бъде одобрен
4 месец назад
Iran's President Raisi in Pakistan: If Israel attacks Iranian territory "Circumstances" will completely change- IRNA
4 месец назад
Китай осъжда обвиненията на САЩ в подкрепа на руската армия, определяйки ги като "безпочвени"
4 месец назад
Police have arrested a staff member of the German far-right Alternative for Germany party on suspicion of espionage for China. The employee is said to work for the AfD's top candidate for the European Parliament elections, Maximilian Krah